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Annoyingly, it seems I'm about to lose the ID I've had since 2000-something. Ah well. I'm still Paul. Just not here.

Here I am Paul~enwiki :-/



The mysterious vanishing Paul. I thought I'd put myself back in with the name under which I edited what seems like ages ago, but probably wasn't. Now there's a sentence crying out for an edit.

There is half-digested text about ftp and its secure cousins at the bottom of the page...

  • Somebody keeps requesting password resets for me - please stop it -Paul 11:02, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
  • It's getting ridiculous - twice this week, for instance. The latest request from Pick your own user ID, please! - Paul 20:44, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
  • And again - go away, children, please!

OK. The following attempts (for as far back as I have records) - let's see if there is a pattern:

  • at 2006-01-19 00:43 GMT (...cache.maxonline.com.sg)
  • at 2006-01-19 11:52 (...gate.timeinc.com)
  • at 2006-02-01 09:10 (...dhcp.ccmn.ca.charter.com)
  • at 2006-02-01 09:11
  • at 2006-02-01 09:11 - third time that day
  • at 2006-02-01 12:33 (...proxy3.dcu.ie)
  • at 2006-02-05 00:41 GMT (...cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
  • at 2006-02-08 14:46 (...nc.hr.cox.net)
  • at 2006-02-08 14:51
  • at 2006-02-08 15:00
  • at 2006-02-08 15:00
  • at 2006-02-08 15:01
  • at 2006-02-08 21:25 (cache-los-ac07.proxy.aol.com)
  • at 2006-02-09 21:23 (...ipt.aol.com)

Molly Maguires
The Molly Maguires, or the Mollies, were members of a 19th-century Irish secret society active in Ireland and internationally. The movement originated in Ireland as part of agrarian rebellion movements relating to land usage and enclosure. The Mollies were first reported in the British and Irish press in the mid-19th century, noting that they had been formed in Ballinamuck following Lord Lorton's ejection of tenants there. The movement spread internationally to areas with significant Irish immigrant populations, including Liverpool and the United States. Their activism in favour of coal miners in Pennsylvania was particularly noteworthy. After a series of often violent conflicts, twenty suspected Mollies were convicted of murder and other crimes and were executed by hanging in 1877 and 1878. This history remains part of local Pennsylvania lore and the actual facts are much debated among historians. This 1874 illustration from Harper's Weekly, drawn by Paul Frenzeny and Jules Tavernier, depicts a group of Mollies meeting to discuss strikes in the Pennsylvania coal mines.Illustration credit: Paul Frenzeny and Jules Tavernier; restored by Adam Cuerden

Stuff wot I done wrote


What can I say. I edit stuff occasionally (often on computing, Ireland, gramer an speling). And I'm called Paul.

Some articles I've written or contributed significantly to include:

There are probably more - maybe even on interesting topics - but I can't seem to think of any right now.

Random comments :-)


Well, hello vanishing Paul;-) -- WojPob

Hi, Woj! -- Paul >:<

I think I need to reference this RFC [1].

FTP and Secure variants


Right now, this is just a set of notes for me... A disambiguation / introduction article might have less information than this. It might also have corrections.

There is a maze of file transfer protocols - especially when you start to look at secure ones. It's complicated by the way many of them use identical or similar names.

  1. FTP - the venerable and insecure file transfer protocol, uses 2 connections on different ports (20 & 21)
    • RFC 959 (with later extensions)
    • active mode: client tells server which port it is listening on, server connects from port 20 & exchanges file
    • passive mode: client asks server to pick a port, client connects to that port on server (works better with NAT)
  2. SSH file transfer protocol (files exchanged using ssh on port 22)
    • no RFC for this. Most widely used versions v3 & v4 (v6 was documented in an expired internet draft)
    • this is PROBABLY the one you want, for transferring files securely
    • sftp (by OpenSSH) is one client for this protocol
    • not to be confused with FTP over SSH, sometimes called Secure FTP (rare)
    • Secure File Transfer Protocol sometimes refers to SSH file transfer protocol (& sometimes to FTP over SSH)
    • compare with scp (secure copy, which is a simpler file copy protocol also run over ssh)
    • end to end security => harder to proxy/control/log at network perimiter (man in the middle proxies exist)
  3. FTP with SSL/TLS, (aka ftp-ssl, or ftps, or ftp secure) ?
    • RFC 4217 (uses same security standards/certs as secure https web traffic - server needs a certificate)
    • firewall issue - cannot snoop packets to determine what ports to open for ftp data channel
    • implicit security - deprecated, uses tcp ports 989 & 990.
    • explicit security - through new ftp AUTH command in RFC 2228, same ports as normal ftp
  4. FTP over SSH
    • because FTP uses multiple connections, it it trickier to use over ssh.
    • needs intelligence in the file transfer client or in the ssh client to ensure both connections are encrypted
  5. Secure File Transfer Protocol (secure FTP) is a confusing term
    • sometimes it refers to SSH file transfer protocol (2, above - possibly due to the latter's "sftp" client)
    • sometimes it refers to FTP over SSH (3, above)
  6. Simple File Transfer Protocol (rarely used)
    • RFC 913: uses port 115, ancient
    • this is a silly protocol. Don't go there.
  7. TFTP - Trivial FTP (insecure, simple, sometimes used for booting over network)
    • RFC 1350: via UDP
    • not useful for generalised file transfer


  1. ^ RFC 3696